"A Psalm Of Life" & "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls"

Fairness and Justice
In this essay you're going to be reading about whether this two values are present in the stories of psalm of life and the tide rises, the tide falls.

First of all i'm gonna make you a little introduction, of what this two values mean.

Fairness is the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable. Considering everything that has an effect on a situation, so that a fair judgement can be made. Making judgments that are free from discrimination.  
Justice is the moral principle determining just conduct, rightfullness or lawfulness, as of a claim or title Fairness in the way people are dealt with.
(This two values have very similar definitions or meanings but can be applied in different context depending on your perspective)

This two values are not explicitly present in the poem cause it depends on the way you get the message of it, they're indirectly in the poem.
Beginning with the first poem "A Psalm Of Life", this poem talks about the meaning of life, how we should not take life for granted, not to lament the past or take the future for granted , it encourages us to become better human beings. Maybe we can say that if a person has justice and fairness and has them present it their lives they can become a better version of themselves and have a purpose on life, following the right path, but in my opinion the two values are not implied in the story. 
In the other hand we have "The Tides Rises, The Tide Falls", the author is trying to represent the cycle of life with the movement of the tides, how we have our own ups and downs in life and I think justice and fairness are represented here cause, we get what we deserve, sometimes we don't think that is fair what happens to us, but what we don't know is that for the tide to be up (which means our best moments, the way I see it) it first needs to come from the bottom. We get justices from our actions, fairness in our lives are reflected in what we do. As the poem says we leave our footprints on the beach as travelers but they can be easily erased by the ocean.
So in conclusion, I think that these values are slightly present but not that present like the last reading in which we could easily identify where and how the values were reflected.


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